Student-Faculty Dinner

Every April, MIT AIAA hosts our annual Student-Faculty Dinner. This semi-formal dinner gives our students and faculty the opportunity to relax and interact outside the classroom.

We also invite a Guest of Honor to the event to inspire our community. This year, we had the pleasure of hosting Wes Bush, Chairman, CEO, and President of Northrop Grumman. His remarks focused on the importance of new technology and ideas as the aerospace industry enters a new era.

Finally, we present awards to the most dedicated members of our community on behalf of our student body. Congratulations to our 2017 recipients:
  • Outstanding Professor: Prof. Warren "Woody" Hoburg
  • Outsdanding Adviser: David Darmofal
  • Oudstanding TA for an Undergraduate Class: Arthur Huang, Aerodynamics (16.100)

  • Tory Bruno Visits Campus

    In May, Tory Bruno visited campus to meet students, tour labs, and share ULA's Cislunar 1000 Plan. Here, Mr. Bruno tours MIT's Space Propulsion Lab with Prof. Paulo Lozano.

    Mr. Bruno also saw (and assisted with) a test firing of a 100% 3D printed rocket engine, an independent project designed and implemented three AeroAstro students. Here, he arms and fires the engine.

    Finally, Mr. Bruno spoke to a crowd of AeroAstro undergraduate and graduate students about the Cislunar 1000 Plan.

    Freshman Declaration Day

    Every year, we welcome freshmen to the department on the day they officially declare AeroAstro as their major with food and friends!

    Welcome to the department! We can't wait to see you around.

    Halloween Party

    Every October, AIAA hosts a Halloween party for the department. It’s a great opportunity for the students and faculty to relax, mingle, and enjoy the holiday!

    The highlight of the party every year is the costume contest! This year was one of our strongest showings yet.

    Of course, it wouldn’t be a contest without awards! This year, our winners were:

    Most Aerodynamic: Tony Tao
    Best Individual Costume: Arthur Brown
    Best Group Costume: Kelly Mathesius and Matt Vernacchia

    Finally, we’d like to send a special thank you to our judges, Todd, Dave, and Joyce!